Discover the secret to rapid mindset transformation.

For the highly motivated woman desiring more presence.

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Enroll in The Quick Fix Mindset Masterclass



You are someone who…

  • Is moving through life on autopilot & “go-mode,” yet desires to slow down 

  • Isn't unhappy with your life, but feels a pull to create something even more beautiful

  • Wants to be more present with your life & loved ones, but keeps getting swept into the chaos of “there’s not enough time.

  • Is ready to release self-judgment/negative self-talk and practice self-love & compassion

  • Wants to practice true gratitude & celebration with each accomplishment (big & small)

  • Is ready to protect your vital energy by practicing healthy boundary setting and letting go what is out of your control

  • Doesn't want perfectionism to stop you from trying new things or possibly failing

  • You are starting to realize there is no failure, there is only learning & growth 

  • Wants to welcome in support in your life & release the limiting belief that you need to do everything yourself because no one else can “do it right.”

    You are SO ready to navigate the chaos and busyness of life with a positive attitude, low levels of stress, and a deep trust that everything is going to work out better than you could have ever hoped!

    It truly only takes 15 minutes a day. 

Anna gave me new resources that were productive & worked. What stuck was rubbing my fingers together and trying to feel my fingerprints [Mental Fitness®]. The other day, I was extremely stressed and anxious. I usually would have resorted to self-destructive behaviors. Instead, I took deep breaths, did this technique, and was able to get through the night and resolve completely what was making me stressed with a calm, productive attitude. She instilled so much confidence in me by giving me space to recognize my successes when all I saw was failure. She’s been critical in my growth as a person overall.


I never felt that I had power over my negative thoughts and believed they were just a part of me. This program helped me realize that I have the ability to fix my thought patterns and think differently and more positively about myself, others and situations.


Before working with Anna, I felt overwhelmed and tried to do everything myself. Now, I see the gift in things that don't go my way. Working with Anna was a breakthrough for how to overcome really any issues, both personally and professionally. 


Here’s what you’ll discover…

  1. Changing your life & mindset DOESN’T have to take a really fckin long time 

  2. The unique way you self-sabotage and how it's keeping you from moving forward to your dream life (plus, how to overcome it!)

  3. How you CAN see rapid & lasting change, even with a hectic schedule

  4. You’ll learn the POWER of Mental Fitness® training to improve your relationships, health and wellbeing, and finances.

  5. Share the secrets on how to see the gift and opportunity in life's challenges - no, it's not all BS. You really can be grateful in the face of adversity.

Meet Anna.

Hi! I am so excited you are here! I'm a Colorado native (rare, I know), dog mom, and recently reestablished my love for the library. 

After the childhood temper tantrums and debilitating need to be perfect followed me into adulthood (not so cute when you're in your 20s and crying over a pancake flip gone wrong), I knew I needed to find another way to manage my emotions. 

For YEARS I let my mind win. 

I quickly took to the personal growth world and began seeing positive changes. Some took longer than others, and eventually, I stumbled upon the work of Positive Intelligence®. 

This work QUICKLY changed my life - and my mindset. I knew I had to be part of the movement to share this important work with the world. 

Are you ready for rapid & potent change? If so, you're exactly where you need to be.

Results based on survey results from cohort of >2000 Positive Intelligence® Program participants after six weeks of mental fitness training

Join us for the free masterclass series based on Positive Intelligence®

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  • I deeply respect your time and am committed to giving you a potent training without the extra layers of fluff! This call will be about 90 minutes long. If you can't make it live, you can always catch the replay on 1.5-2x speed 🤪 If you truly want to see change, you do have to commit extra time to learn - the ROI is more time & mind freedom to do what you love.

  • The Positive Intelligence® approach has been tested and approved by 500,000+ people. It is simple and clear, allowing you to see lasting change even when you have a packed life schedule. The daily 15 minute practice that you will learn about has proven to create new neural pathways that actually result in lasting behavior change.

  • I hear you, and you should be! I've personally always dismissed anyone who sold a “quick fix.” True change does take time and commitment, but with a powerful proven strategy, it doesn't take nearly as much time as we believe it has to. In a cohort of 2000+ participants, 6-8 weeks of 15-minute-a-day Mental Fitness practice showed changes in brain structure via MRI imaging.

  • Being afraid of failure is part of our human nature. Through this masterclass series, you'll learn that fear of failure is run by one of your saboteurs. The more understanding you have of how your saboteurs operate, and how to shift to sage, you begin to see “failure” in a totally new light. There is no failure, only learning & growth. While I can't offer a money-back guarantee because of the free nature of this masterclass, I promise that if you implement even just one strategy you learn, you will see results. If you don't, I'll offer a free Saboteur Discovery Call to dive deeper in a 1:1 setting!

“Anna truly cares about her clients and views it as so much more than just a job. She was as effective if not more than any therapist I’ve had in helping me feel self assured, AND giving me strategies to cope with severe anxiety. I started reading more, exercising more, journaling, and using healthy calming methods and became healthier in my work, social, mental, physical and emotional realms. I truly can’t express how much I would recommend doing coaching with Anna!!!”


Enroll in The Quick Fix Mindset Masterclass
Secure your spot in the masterclass on Saturday, May 25 at 10 am MST
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